Headly’s Halloween Haunted Humor!
A little fun from our “body challenged” store mascot!
10/10/20241 min read

What kind of underwear do mummies buy? Fruit of the tomb
What’s it like to be kissed by a vampire? It’s really a pain in the neck!
Why can't skeletons play the music in church? Because they have no organs!
What do witches get when their shoes are too tight? Candy corns.
What do you call zombies wearing pajamas? The sleepwalking dead.
How do you spell candy with only two letters? C and Y.
What does a little witch use to make cookies Her easy bake coven.
What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?
How do you fix a broken Jack O’ Lantern?With a pumpkin patch!
What was the witch’s favorite class in scare school?
What do you call a haunted chicken?
A poultry-geist.
Which monster won the dance contest at the Monsters' Ball?
The Boogie Man
Happy Halloween!